
Agriculture with a new Skill

Hi, I'm Jennifer! The early part of my life was being surrounded by pecans, peanuts, and cotton fields in Alabama. I grew up involved in FFA and riding in a pickup truck with my granddaddy looking at citrus. My passion for the outdoors has never faded.

After finishing my goal of graduating with a bachelors degree in fisheries biology, I decided agriculture is where I needed to be. I work full time for a large private landowner through the ranch division. I volunteer for our local Farm Bureau and serve as the Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) committee chair, membership committee chair, committee member for marketing, annual dinner, and Farm City week. I serve as Vice President for a local non-profit handling social media, marketing, and event planning. As if that isn't enough for me...I needed more. In 2019, "Crimson and Lace" was born. 

I am a big time AGvocate for agriculture. Some of my main focuses are on food insecurities, misleading food labels, misinformation, and public outreach. I speak at various events to share the truths of agriculture. 

I own 10 acres of ranchland in Highlands County, Florida where I'm connected to agricultural professionals and continue to learn and advocate for everyone. I am thankful for the opportunity to see production agriculture firsthand with my cattle operation but also as an employee for another company.